As you know mattress is
big investment in your house which means you want to protect it for as long as
possible. You also want to retain the comfort and support your mattress gives
you. An air mattress, or air bed, is a type of mattress inflated with air,
which can be easily deflated and stored when not in use. An inflatable air
mattress is often the go-to solution for overnight guests and camping trips. From
cleaning to prevention, a little care and maintenance can go a long way in
keeping your mattress in good shape for years to come. When you think that your
mattress should be long lasting then it should depend on several factors,
including quality of materials, sleeper size and usage. Proper care and maintenance
can also play a big role in the lifespan of bed. Try Commercial Mattress Cleaning Brisbane Tips given below.
to make Your Mattress Last Longer:-
- Regular rotation allows your mattress to
wear out evenly. It also helps prevent softening and depressions on the
mattress. If you do not rotate your mattress on regular basis then it can lead
to a build-up not just of general dirt but also of substances such as dead skin
which can lead to an increased risk of asthma and other problems.
- With the help of vacuuming helps to keep
it free from allergens. It also helps to remove any dust or dirt that would
typically produce stains if your mattress were to ever get wet. Removal of
these particles keeps your bed fresh, and reduces any risk of producing certain
mites that can set off allergic reactions.
- After few months strip your mattress and
let the light in. This helps to keep excess moisture off the mattress. It also
helps get rid of dust mites. You should however keep the mattress cover on if
it is possible it could get bed bugs. Bed bugs ruin the mattress faster than
anything else.
- Regular remove the stains from your
mattress. Use cleaner dedicated to upholstery on the mattresses. This shampoo
will remove stains that have accumulated over the last six months. Make sure
you adhere to the instructions on the bottle because otherwise, you might harm
the mattresses.